Past Events

Bournemouth Street Stall, Saturday 18th May 2024

Our volunteers helped to host another successful street stall with lots of public engagement on topical issues which will no doubt be of concern to voters in the run-up to the General Election.

National Rejoin Day of Action: Saturday 23rd March 2024

Our volunteers invited members of the public in Dorchester town centre to participate in our ‘Happiness Index’ – a measure of how ‘happy’ they were feeling about different aspects of life post-Brexit, from the NHS to the economy. And, on a lighter note, locals were asked to take our survey on favourite European holiday destinations.

Our team also took the opportunity to raise awareness of voter registration and valid forms of ID for the upcoming local and national elections, provided information on membership of European Movement UK and promoted our Dorchester and Bournemouth Euro cafés.

Despite the inclement weather, our team of volunteers had a great day, with lots of public engagement and positive feedback on our campaign to promote Rejoin.

NRM II: 23rd September 2023

The National Rejoin March 2 was a lively, peaceful and colourful event. Approximately 30,000 people marched to a rally in Parliament Square along a now familiar route. Many pro-EU groups were represented with their local flags, and the banners we saw were as inventive as ever.

Dorset for Europe members travelled up to London by Excelsior coach and, despite the disappointing but unsurprising lack of national media coverage, we felt the day was a positive mechanism to advance the Rejoin cause and revitalise solidarity among pro-Europeans.

Check out the NRM II page for replays of the Parliament Square speeches.

Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th September 2023
Dorset for Europe stall at the Liberal Democrat conference in Bournemouth

Dorset for Europe supporters who were unable to go on the National Rejoin March joined a street stall outside the Bournemouth International Centre over 2 days during the Lib Dem conference. Flags and stickers were given out and outreach engagement done with Lib Dems and the general public with our reasons for why Brexit is damaging the UK and for why we need to begin the journey to rejoin the EU.

Sunday 10th September 2023
Coastline litter pick

Blue Flag logo, Foundation for Environmental Education

Several stretches of beach at Bournemouth have received the prestigious Blue Flag award for beaches that meet strict criteria for environmental (including water quality) standards, educational programmes, safety and access.

In coordination with the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) and BCP Council, several members of Dorset for Europe met up at Boscombe beach on the afternoon of Sunday 23rd September to conduct a beach litter pick. Altogether, approximately 2 kg of waste was collected and logged on the MCS volunteer survey.

Well done and thank you to all who took part!

Dating back to 1985, the Blue Flag programme started out as a pollution-monitoring initiative by French schoolchildren, with the idea of an award for pollution-free beaches adopted by the European Union in 1987 as part of its Bathing Water Directive. In 1998, the European Blue Flag became an independent organisation and since 2001 it has expanded its reach beyond Europe to become the International Blue Flag. The Blue Flag programme is run by the Foundation for Environmental Education and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Find out more about the history of the Blue Flag scheme in this video:

Thursday 13th July 2023
Webinar with Albert Kemp, author of Brexit Unmasked

Watch our event video below:

Albert Kemp sitting and holding a copy of his book, Brexit Unmasked.

We were delighted to welcome 96-year-old local author Albert Kemp to talk to us about his recently published book, Brexit Unmasked: The memoirs and opinions of a nonagenarian.

Watch the book’s promo video below:

Saturday 8th July 2023
Meal at Strawberry Tree, The Old Mill, Lyme Regis

Despite the deluge that hit west Dorset that Saturday, we all enjoyed wonderful tapas and good company at the Strawberry Tree, part of historic and beautifully converted Old Mill complex in Lyme Regis.

It was a great opportunity for Dorset and Devon for Europe members to get together, and for those who travelled from East Dorset, it was certainly well worth the trip.

Thanks to Lyme Regis Green Party Councillor Belinda Bawden for organising this event at the unique Strawberry Tree restaurant.

Saturday 25th March 2023
National Rejoin Day of Action

Dorset for Europe held 3 events to mark the National Rejoin Day of Action on.

Our Dorset for Europe Pop-up Street Stall took place in the morning near Beale Place, in Bournemouth town centre. Several of our volunteers chatted with passers-by about the current state of the country and its politics.

Our trusty ‘Opinion-o-meter’ proved a good draw, with most people telling us how dissatisfied they are with the Tory government and the current state of the NHS. A clear majority were in favour of rethinking our relationship with the EU, amidst ongoing economic difficulties and the loss of important collaborative programmes, like Erasmus and Horizon. The desire for voting reform is also gaining in popularity.

Dorset for Europe Opinion-o-meter taken on Sat 25th March 2023
(despite the date at the top – oops!)

Dorset for Europe volunteers also handed out leaflets encouraging people to register to vote and reminding everyone of the new legal requirement to show photo ID when voting in the upcoming local elections on Thursday 4th May.

Many people of all ages stopped to chat with us and to share their views, whether pro or anti-Rejoin, in a productive and non-confrontational manner. House of Commons  – please take note!!

We also offered information on joining the European Movement for those who expressed an interest in becoming more involved with campaigning to get the UK’s EU star back.

In the afternoon, Hattie Miles again hosted her popular 90-minute ‘European Connections’ Walk around Bournemouth.

The walking talk followed a leisurely route revealing some of the town’s many links to Europe. From Isaac Gulliver, whose smuggling business brought wines, lace and silks from the continent and made him into one of the wealthiest men in the west, and a fourteenth-century pirate, who still warrants an annual day of celebration, to Guglielmo Marconi, the Italian inventor and electrical engineer, whose experiments in the town led to the creation of the first wireless system. Participants also discovered stories about an Austrian Empress, a pair of lions from Vatican City, a German Count with a very long name and a Victorian hotel that imported water for its baths from Auvergne. 

‘European Connections’ walkers in Bournemouth central gardens, summer 2022

Click here for information on Hattie’s fascinating walking talks.

Our new Dorchester Euro Café also met up in the afternoon at Vivo Lounge, in Brewery Square, with a good crowd turning up for coffee, cake, chat and plenty of pro-European camaraderie!

Please read this recent article on the event in the Dorset Echo.

The Dorchester Euro Café has been so well attended for its first 2 meet-ups that we are hoping it can become a regular event, so that like-minded Europhiles in west Dorset can meet up socially in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

Please visit our Euro Café page for more details.

Dorchester Euro Café, 25 March 2023

26th January 2023
Brexit – Where now? A Conversation with Mile Galsworthy

Catch up with our event, Brexit – Where now? A Conversation with Mike Galsworthy, hosted jointly with Salisbury for Europe on 26th January 2023.

European Movement ambassador and co-founder of Scientists for EU and Healthier IN the EU MIKE GALSWORTHY spoke passionately on the impacts of Brexit for the UK science and education sectors. He also answered questions on strategies for rejoin, the state of UK politics and the ways in which local pro-EU groups can re-energise and direct their campaigns.

Watch the entire event On YouTube below.

Watch Mike’s informed summary of the direct and devastating impact of Brexit on UK science and education in the following clip.

Are you disheartened by the impacts of Brexit or do you feel like giving up on campaigning to rejoin? Watch the clip below for Mike’s advice on how to stay focused and positive during these tough times for political and pro-EU campaigning.