How Can You Help?
The current Brexiteering government may have sidestepped democracy to implement a hard Brexit, but pro-EU campaigners can hold our heads high.
We may have lost the battle to stop Brexit, but there’s still much to be done, and Dorset For Europe isn’t giving up. We are campaigning for a closer relationship with our European neighbours and raising awareness of the threats to our precious democracy.
Get social!
Anyone with a social media profile can do this! It’s quick, easy and can fit in with your daily routine – and the more effort you put in the greater the results. Here are a few tips:
Use Facebook to engage with friends, family and others. ‘Like’ our Facebook page and those of other pro-EU groups. The important thing is that you engage with what’s going on, so you need to share posts you find interesting and comment and like others’ comments too. This helps spread the reach of our posts and hugely increases the number of people hearing our message. Strike up conversations with people and share your thoughts. We do suggest that you check your Facebook privacy settings though to make sure there’s no information visible that you’re not happy with. It’s up to you if you want to engage with pro-Brexiters, but we’d suggest you don’t ‘feed the trolls’ – this can be a thankless task. We block abusive people from Dorset For Europe’s Facebook page, but they do slip through from time to time.
Twitter is the best place to reach politicians and other serious news and campaigning groups. It is rare to get a reply from your MP, but they do monitor their Twitter feed more than you’d think. There are a few trolls on Twitter, but not as many as on Facebook. To get noticed by your MP on their profile page, set your phone to notify you when they make a post, then comment on it quickly for maximum exposure. You can always find a Brexit angle to any story. Tweet the Prime Minister and your MP together as many times a day as you like, but be short and to the point. Don’t be rude or you’ll get blocked and the game will be over.
Write to your MP
You can write a short note or detailed letter, but emailing your MP is another essential campaigning tool. You can write as many times as you like, and it’s very quick to do this online using websites like Hey MP!. It’s important to give your name, address and postcode so you can be identified as a constituent, which adds weight to your letter.
Times are tough right now, but everything we do is by donation, and we are all volunteers. Building up a fund of £200 gets us 10,000 leaflets or a really good Facebook advertising campaign. If you can afford to donate any amount, no matter how small, it is always hugely appreciated – the money goes a long way and really does help with our campaigning.
A few links to help you:
Hey MP!
An instant means of emailing your MP – run by Best for Britain
An excellent Brexit news site
Talk About Brex
A Remainer’s guide to discussing Brexit with friends and family
Search by your address or postcode to see some of the EU investments and other contributions near you
EU Worth It
How much did you contribute to EU membership?
3 things you can do today!
Tell them what you think of Brexit and what you’d like them to do about it
You’ll find all the up-to-date information. Like, Share and Comment our posts
We are run by volunteers and need funds for to maintain our campaigning
Keep in touch!
Please use the form to sign up for our newsletter and campaign communications and to find out more about Dorset for Europe