Local Events

Social events

We hold regular social events, from meals out to picnics and walks. Please sign up to our e-newsletter using the form below for more information on our social events.

Tolpuddle Festival

Dorset for Europe will be hosting a stall at this year’s Tolpuddle Festival on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July.

This will be a great opportunity to engage with the public on the benefits of closer ties with the EU, and we will be promoting the ‘Face the Music’ and Erasmus+ campaigns.

If you would like to volunteer on our stall, please send us a message using the form below.

National Rejoin March III

The NRM team are planning another London march, hopefully at the end of September – awaiting approval from the Greater London Authority before the date can be confirmed. 

Please use the form below to let us know if you would be interested in joining a coach from Poole or Bournemouth, if we hire one again.

Contact us